We design, develop and optimize earth observation algorithms,
together with and commissioned by governmental organizations, research institutes and industry,
for geophysical monitoring of natural and anthropogenic phenomena.
Core Values
Q: Why you should work with us?
A: For three simple reasons:
- We analyze data we love to process.
- We write the code we love to use.
- We provide services to people we love to work with.
We take pride in offering our profound domain knowledge and technical expertise to increase understanding of our Planet.
We are making the Big 'Earth Observation' Data small for the industry and science.
You cannot solve the 21st century Earth Observation problems with 20th century technology.
This is why we are starting the (re)development process with almost 'clean hard disks' to build the cutting edge tools and algorithms for our future remote sensing needs.
The team
Petar Marinkovic
/ Founder & Scientist